Author: Dr. Shruti N Mane
Qualification: M.B.B.S, M.S (OBG), PG Diploma in ART AND Reproductive Medicine
Low AMH Levels: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
AMH stands for anti-Mullerian Hormone. Specialized cells in the ovary produce AMH, which determines the ovarian egg reserve in a woman’s body. The AMH levels gradually decline in a woman’s lifetime. After menopause the hormone levels go to nil.
However during the child-bearing age a severe variation in AMH level may indicate certain reproductive issues. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and tumors of the ovary cause an increase in AMH levels. Whereas depletion of ovarian reserve causes a decrease in the levels.
High levels of AMH in a healthy woman indicates a good supply of eggs. The chances of conceiving are high. Fertility specialists often use AMH levels to determine the ability of a woman to conceive. It can also help tailor the outcomes in assisted reproductive techniques like in vitro fertilization.
This comprehensive guide will shed light on the causes and symptoms of low AMH levels. And give you a better picture of the remedies to bring back the AMH levels to normal.
What Causes Low AMH Levels?
Women as they age show a gradual decrease in AMH levels. However, recently there is a decline in the hormone level among many young women of child-bearing age. Various lifestyle and environmental factors lead to this decline. Some of the common causes of low AMH levels in women are:
Age: Aging is a natural process that leads to decrease in anti-Mullerian hormone over time. Women have a definite number of eggs from birth. The ovary releases an egg in every menstrual cycle. If a sperm does not fertilize the egg, the body removes it.
Therefore , the egg reserve depletes over time and decreases fertility as a woman ages. The follicles in the ovary which matures into an egg produce anti-Mullerian hormones. So a decrease in the egg reserve will cause a fall in AMH levels.
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency: In this condition the ovary stops working at an early age, usually before the 40s. When this happens, the ovary will not release eggs and hormones regularly. It can lead to infertility and low AMH levels.
Medical Conditions: Medical conditions and treatments that damage the ovaries lead to a decrease in AMH levels. History of cancer treatment, trauma, and surgery in the pelvic region may affect the ovarian reserve.
Early Menopause: A woman reaches menopause before the age of 40 years. Premature ovarian insufficiency is not the same. In early menopause AMH levels become undetectable and a woman stops menstruating. Leading to infertility.
Stress: Women trying to maintain a work life balance often face a lot of stress. Pushing pregnancy for career along with stress negatively affects a woman’s body. It leads to a decrease in reproductive efficiency, infertility, and low AMH levels. Managing stress levels can improve AMH levels.
Lifestyle: Sedentary lifestyles can affect reproductive function. Lack of exercise and unhealthy eating habits depletes ovarian reserve and lowers AMH levels. Smoking and alcohol has known negative effects on egg reserve and AMH levels.
Genetics: Poor egg reserves and low AMH levels can result from genetic defects in the development of ovaries. Variations or mutation in anti-Mullerian hormones can lead to fall in AMH level.

Symptoms of Low AMH?
Low AMH levels do not have specific symptoms as such. However, women often find it difficult to conceive when the hormone levels are low. The signs and symptoms relate to the underlying defects.
- Irregular menstrual cycles.
- Infertility because of reduced egg reserve.
- Absence of periods because of early menopause.
- Early menopause symptoms like hot flashes, anxiety, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings.
How Can I Know My AMH Levels?
An AMH test detects anti-Mullerian Hormone levels in your body. It can help determine the viable eggs remaining in your body and predict fertility. Fertility specialists suggest AMH tests for the following uses:
- Predict the response to fertility treatment. IVF involves medications to release more eggs in a cycle. An AMH test can help determine the current egg reserve and the dose of medicine to get the best results.
- The egg reserve slowly depletes with age. An AMH test can detect the remaining eggs in the ovary. And guide you to decide the right time to get pregnant.
- The egg reserved falls with menopause. AMH tests can detect early menopause and slow down the process.
The AMH test cost depends on the convenience, facility, and quality. The cost to perform an AMH test in India may vary between INR1000 to INR2000.
Do I Need an AMH Test?
If you are facing difficulty conceiving or undergoing IVF treatment, your physician may recommend an AMH test. The test can predict egg reserve, best time to become pregnant, and the medications for IVF.
Treatment for Low AMH Levels
No definite cure for AMH exists. However, certain lifestyle changes and medications can help improve the levels. For women with low AMH levels, getting pregnant is difficult. Assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) can help in such cases:
Lifestyle Modifications: Physical activities and yoga will improve overall health and fertility. A balanced diet, healthy weight, and regular sleep will increase AMH levels.
Supplements: DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone), inositol, and CoQ10 are supplements known to enhance ovarian function. Improving the quantity and quality of eggs will thereby increase AMH levels.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture supports the growth and development of follicles. It improves ovarian function and increases AMH level.
Medications: Medications for low AMH levels depend on the underlying cause. Gonadotropin therapy will stimulate the ovaries and release eggs when egg reserves severely depletes. Doctors use medications in conjunction with IVF.
If you are trying to get pregnant and have low AMH levels, assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) can help:
In Vitro fertilization: Low AMH levels indicate limited eggs. IVF will increase the chance of successful pregnancy when the egg reserves are low.
Egg Donors: Doctors use egg donors when the egg reserve has completely depleted or in early menopause. Helping women without egg reserve become pregnant.
Low AMH levels can result from various reproductive issues. It can frequently lead to severe consequences like infertility. If you are worried about your AMH levels, visit our fertility specialist at Motherhood Fertility & IVF Center. They can help you explore the most suitable treatment options for you.
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