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    azoospermia treatment

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      Asthenozoospermia Types, Causes & Treatment

      To know more about Azoospermia, its cost, success rate, and other fertility-related treatments call us at 080-67238900 or click here to book your appointment with our top fertility specialists at Motherhood Fertility & IVF Centers.

      Special Benefits:

      1. Fertility & IVF treatments are cashless and covered under insurance
      2. Special discount for corporate employees*
      3. Empanelled with all insurance companies
      4. Easy EMI options

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      Asthenozoospermia is a condition marked by reduced sperm motility—a critical component for successful fertilization that affects nearly 50% of infertility cases attributed to male factors.

      Several factors, ranging from physiological conditions to lifestyle choices, can cause or contribute to asthenozoospermia. 

      Asthenozoospermia can be treated, based on the patient’s medical history. For treatment options one can contact Motherhood Fertility & IVF Centre by calling 08067238900 or book an appointment with us.

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